Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A year to the day.

I just so happened to come back across my blog. I will try to keep this short. So much has happened since last year when I decided to go natural. I had another baby (Micah Jaelyn) and I got married, moved back to AL and here I am. The Lord has truly blessed my family. I am happy to have these 3 handsome fella's in my life. I noted that my blog "label" is Healthy from Scalp to toe and I do believe it is healthy for one to blog on the thoughts that inundates their mind. I have SO many thoughts and opinions and I find it healthy to share. So bear, with my ramblings. I have a lot to comment on, this is how I feel, I never intend to step on any toes...I am not perfect....but I am very opinionated and this is my blog. My first thing I would like to share is, How Beautiful and wonderful the feeling for a mother to gaze into her child's eyes, so trusting and loving. I am so thankful that God allowed me to have that experience. I pray that he blesses my efforts to raise them in His way. #pityingthosemother'swhodidn'torwon'tchooselife.

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