Friday, July 22, 2011

Weekly Holiday!

Well, today is the Sabbath and I am so excited. I call this my personal date & time set aside for a full 24 hours, with my Savior. No care's, no worries, or distractions. I get to acknowledge God as my Creator, and spend precious uninterrupted time with my family. And I get this EVERY week on the 7th day! I pray that we all have a great Sabbath. I would like to share this thought with you. Brought to us from the Fort Worth SDA Church in Fort Worth, TX

The Promises of God

Date: Jul 22, 2011
By H.M.S. Richards, The Promises of God 2003. RHPA

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Psalms 16:11).

A father in Watford, England, was greatly troubled about his son who had gone wrong. The boy was far away, ill, and despondent. He wrote his father fearfully asking whether there was any hope of a reconciliation. The father sent him a telegram of just one word, "Home,” and it was signed "Father.” The gospel of Jesus Christ is God’s telegram to a sinful world. It is summed up in one word, "Home,” and is signed by one word, "Father”—even our Father in heaven.

God alone knows the path of life. Men have traced many paths, and millions have plodded their sad miles for thousands of years, finding at the end that all their "yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death.” He who is the living God, and He alone, knows and shows the path of life. "In him was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). "As the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself” (John 5:26). The path of life is revealed in the words of Christ, "The words that I speak unto you, . . . they are life” (John 6:63).

Are you acquainted with "fulness of joy”? God’s path of life leads to joy here and now—joy in His service, joy even in suffering and disappointment. "Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations [or trials]” (James 1:2; see 1 Peter 1:6-8). "For the kingdom of God is . . . joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17). This joy of believers cannot be explained; it is a "joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8). And the path of life leads on to the very right hand of God above, where we enter into the joy of the Lord (Matthew 25:21) and find in His presence "pleasures for evermore.”

In His word, God has clearly shown us the path of life. Let us follow it today, for "the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18).

MEDITATION PRAYER: "My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation” (Psalms 13:5).

Monday, July 18, 2011

SAHMS of the World unite!

Whew! Its been awhile since I have been blogging, but I have a voice to share with the WORLD!Or so I am So I am back in the bloggosphere! I have been journaling my thoughts and sharing a few experiences and excerpts from my journaling's via Facebook. I have a few challenges going on with me. Getting my health in check and growing my hair to booty length...Bump BSL(Bra Strap Length), on top of it ALL, I am raising these two beautiful baby boys with my wonderfully devote husband. Between this blog and my husband and host of others....I hope to find a little accountability. Hold me to my commitments ya'll!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A year to the day.

I just so happened to come back across my blog. I will try to keep this short. So much has happened since last year when I decided to go natural. I had another baby (Micah Jaelyn) and I got married, moved back to AL and here I am. The Lord has truly blessed my family. I am happy to have these 3 handsome fella's in my life. I noted that my blog "label" is Healthy from Scalp to toe and I do believe it is healthy for one to blog on the thoughts that inundates their mind. I have SO many thoughts and opinions and I find it healthy to share. So bear, with my ramblings. I have a lot to comment on, this is how I feel, I never intend to step on any toes...I am not perfect....but I am very opinionated and this is my blog. My first thing I would like to share is, How Beautiful and wonderful the feeling for a mother to gaze into her child's eyes, so trusting and loving. I am so thankful that God allowed me to have that experience. I pray that he blesses my efforts to raise them in His way. #pityingthosemother'swhodidn'torwon'tchooselife.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today I am starting a new blog. I am really excited about going natural. Economically its a better choice for me. I'm thinking back to when I first got a a relaxer. I was 12 going on 13 and I wanted a bouncy ponytail like my peers. See, I failed to realize that they had relaxed hair for management purposes, I didn't need hair management, I was blessed with a wonderful grade of curly, healthy hair. I begged my parents for a "Beautiful Beginnings no lye relaxer". They shut me down over and over. Until one day, my begging resulted in my first relaxer. I WAS SO HAPPY! No more puff ponytails, no more dookie plats, just a head band and some straight hair. My parents regretted the decision to relax and then came the hot comb, LAWD have mercy! My hair became SO very seemed I would never recover.

I then went to public school for the first time, my junior and senior year of high school. My cousin BEGGED my folks again for a relaxer. She said I cant have my little cousin going to school looking crazy. (Why is natural hair associated with looking crazy) 2004
Anyway, after highschool, I became a little more financially stable to go every two weeks to keep my hair up. My hair became healthy (at least that whats my beautician told me) more length, but still shedding. I the time I left for college, my hair was getting longer and longer, I wanted color, my beautcian said no, not yet.I attended Oakwood College(University) the land of Natural hair textures and colors. I felt at home. Found a new stylist who was ready to color my hair the moment I asked. Soon after the color and then jumped right into my natural state. BADDDD idea, boy. My hair was poppin and breaking like crazy. I then resulted back to the relaxer. 2006

Now, 2009, I have come to my sense's that the original standard of what my hair has to be to beautiful is not silky straight. My hair that grows from my scalp is beautiful, because it is apart of the identity God gave me. I dont need to correct or alter His doings. His will is perfect. SO with that said...on to my beautiful lye, no chemical...Gods Beautiful Beginnings, my natural hair.